Phra Somdej Wat Rakang, size large, Bangkok . 拍颂绿越拉康-大模佛像




size large style


Although Phra Somdej is the youngest amulet among the Benjapakee, it commands the highest price and the most expensive pieces are from WAT RAKANG. Unlike the rest, Phra Somdej amulets are made of various composite of substance such as shell lime , holy powder, assorted flowers from shine, rice, lotus, ashes, honey, banana, tang oil etc. It is believed that Phra Somdej pendant could bring  good luck , protection , confidence , justice , intelligence and success to the wearer .

Somdej Toh : 17 April 1788 ~ 22 June 1872  ( B.E.2331 ~ B.E.2415 )

曼谷 , “ 拍颂绿越拉康屏艾 “  ( 主座佛像 ) 。 举世闻名之~拍颂德越拉康佛牌,(佛牌之王 ) 乃是妇孺皆知, 家喻户晓的实录!由泰国圣僧 颂德拍普塔曾多碰玛朗诗 所制造诵经加持而发颁于泰国曼谷越拉康佛寺 。  尤其是佛教界的信徒朋友们, 更是梦寐以求的佛界至宝 。。。。。相信佛牌具有超凡法力,有超灵感 , 逢凶化吉, 护身~避险~除邪 , 人缘六合 , 财源不绝 , 避灾挡祸 ,预感先兆 ,不逝天日~ 等~等 ~ 的神奇功能和感应 。 正因为如此~拍颂德越拉康佛牌在泰国五方佛牌里是属年龄最轻, 但又能冠上五方佛之首 ~ (佛牌之王 ) 而被视为佛教界之稀世珍品, 绝非偶然的 !

圣僧  颂德拍普塔曾多碰玛朗诗 生于17-04-1788  ~  卒于22-06-1872 , 佛历 2331 ~ 2415  , 享年 85 岁 。

The Somdej Wat Rakhang’s  amazing  protection power :

Click the above image and read the full Story

Pattaya Mail News : A district police officer, stands accused of robbery, attempted murder and threatening a person’s life with a weapon. The police officer tried pointed his Gun at the man’s head ( the Somdej Watrakamg amulet owner ) and pulled the trigger twice. But the gun failed to fire.

拍颂绿越拉康佛牌具神奇力量实录 :

( 请点击!参考上图泰国报章实例报导 ;  )

巴提雅邮报  : 一区部警务人员被控: 抢劫,企图谋杀以及威胁他人生命等罪刑 。事发当时该 名涉罪警员欲图劫杀一名61岁男子 , 试图抢走该名男子身上的一枚颂德越拉康佛牌 ( Somdej pendant ) 并朝事主头上开了2枪, 但神奇的是子弹并没射出 。

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