Archive for the the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets Category

Phra Somkor, Kamphangphet 富贵佛 – 顺哥

Posted in Phra Benja Pakee, Phra Soom Kor, the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , on January 25, 2015 by ahaina


Thailand . the grand 5 Sacred Buddha amulets



His is sometimes called the Buddha of Fortune. It was said that when these amulets were found, an inscription “Poverty will never fall on those who possesses this amulet ” was written in the chedi.


五方佛之 :

富贵佛 帕甘烹碧顺哥佛牌



而在舍利塔里也发现了古代先知遗留下的经文 :

谓 :




Somdej Wat RaKhang 崇迪瓦拉康大模

Posted in Phra Benja Pakee, Phra Somdej WatRakang越拉康, Somdej Phra BuddhaJahn Toh, the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , on February 27, 2013 by ahaina



Phra Somdej Wat RaKhang


DSC06587DSC07786颂绿 越拉康 大模

Phra Somdej Wat RaKhang

Pim Yai

崇迪 瓦拉康大模

General Background of Somdej Wat Rakhang

Somdej Phra Phuttacharn (Toh Promrungsri)

B.E.2331 ~ B.E.2415

Somdej Phra Phuttacharn(Toh), Wat Rakhang, made and blessed top famous Somdej Wat Rakhang between B.E.2400-2413.

He passed away in B.E.2415 at the age of 85.

His all Somdej amulets were blessed by himself with ChinnaBanchorn Katha.

Materials for making the Somdejs comprise: shell lime, Phong Vises ( holy powder), assorted flowers from shrine, rice remains after his consumption, lotus, banana, ashes from incense urns, honey, tang oil, etc.

Wat Rakang, Bangkok - birth place of Soomdet Image (48k) Loading ..


Wat Rakhang main hall Buddha Statue

The Grand 5 Sacred Buddha Amulets (Phra Benjapakee)

Posted in Phra Benja Pakee, the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , , , , on February 22, 2013 by ahaina


Phra Nang Phaya
Phra Nang Phaya were created during of Ayuttaya era, Pitsanulok province. The major discovered are from Wat Nang Phaya around B.E.2444. The temple was said to be built for merits making to his Queen, the mother of King Naresuan, the Thai people given name “Queen of Thailand amulets”. Phra Nang Phaya are very famous for bless strong with attractiveness and respectful from all others, also power on charm and safe from all dangers.

Phra Rod
Phra Rod was created by a hermit. First discovered during the earlier days of King Rama 5 reign when a pagoda from Wat Mahawan in Lumpoon province. The Thai people regard this particular amulet as Buddha of Escape, they have superb Buddhistic power, especially in protection and being safe from all dangers and disasters or misfortunes. They are made of clay and the oldest once are over 1,250 years old.



The Grand 5 Sacred Buddha Amulets


is actually an ancient word from Pali. Benja means 5 kind or type, Pakee means set or grouping.
So BenjaPakee means 5 different types of amulets in a group or set.

A group of well-known amulet collectors in early 1950s suggested a guide for the thai people, the best choice to worn on their neck, Also taking into consideration of the Buddha history, age, form and size etc.

The great BenjaPakee amulets are:

1. Phra Somdej (King of Amulet)
2. Phra Nang Phaya (Queen of Amulet)
3. Phra Rod
4. Phra Phong Supan
5. Phra Somkor

Phra Somdej
Phra Somdej were created by Somdej Phra BuddhaJahn Toh Prommarangsri (Somdej Toh). He’s a son of King Rama I. He started to make Phra Somdej amulets in B.E.2409. Materials for making Phra somdej comprise: Shell lime, holy powder, assorted flowers from shine, rice, lotus, ashes, honey, banana, tang oil, etc. Then chanted with spells and meditate. To bless every life in this world for good karma and strong protection against negative energy. Total of 84,000 amulets was made at the time. Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang is once of the most famous and the best amulets from Thailand.


Phra Phong Supan
Phra Phong Supan were discovered on B.E. 2456 in Wat Phra Sri Ratanamahathat, Supan Buri province. According to a golden scripture found together in the pagoda which described that Phra Phong Supan was created by Phra Mahathera PiyaThassi Saribut during the period of King Bormrajathiraj 2nd. It has strong ”U-thong” art style. Most of unique of this amulets is at the back had a thumb print of the creator. A superb Buddha amulets had all mighty protective power against weapon and bring good luck. Is the most powerful amulets of ever.

Phra Somkor
Phra Somkor were first discovered on B.E. 2392 in Wat Phra Boromathat. Gumpangpeth province.
The amulets were created in the era King Phra Maha Dharmarajalitai, the 5th king of Sukhothai. Phra Somkor is a mixture of Sukhothai-Lanka (Sri Lanka) style. It form a sitting posture of a thumb shape. According to memorandum of Wat Phra Boromathat, Phra Somkor amulets were made by 11 hermits or Phra Lersi using special materials and invited Devadas to create the molds.
There is a slogan for Phra Somkor ” If you have me, you never get poor”. Estimated to be made some 550 years.

Somdej Wat Ketchaiyo 7-tiered 越吉猜唷

Posted in Phra Benja Pakee, Phra Somdej Wat Kat Chai Yo-7-tiered, the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , on January 30, 2013 by ahaina



“拍颂绿 越吉猜育 – 七层屏尼荣颂绿佛像”

Phra Somdej Ket Chai Yo

7-tiered popular style


The Top 3 Grand Sacred Thai Amulets

Posted in Phra Benja Pakee, the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , on November 12, 2012 by ahaina

The Top 3 Grand Sacred Thai Amulets

Phra Somdej
Phra Somdej were created by Somdej Phra BuddhaJahn Toh Prommarangsri (Somdej Toh). He’s a son of King Rama I. He started to make Phra Somdej amulets in B.E.2409. Materials for making Phra somdej comprise: Shell lime, holy powder, assorted flowers from shine, rice, lotus, ashes, honey, banana, tang oil, etc. Then chanted with spells and meditate. To bless every life in this world for good karma and strong protection against negative energy. Total of 84,000 amulets was made at the time. Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang is once of the most famous and the best amulets from Thailand.



佛像呈禪定印端坐於三層台座上,表示三界為尊,無五官,但瓦吉猜腰颂绿(崇迪)有雙耳,由阿讚多大师創造, 現在瓦拉康 – 瓦曼坤逢 – 瓦因 三寺 的舍利塔中依然藏有阿讚多颂绿(崇迪)老牌.

佛牌功效:  增長慈愛人緣魅力、改运擋險、不逝天日、製造聖水治 療惡疾等。

Phra Somkor
Phra Somkor were first discovered on B.E. 2392 in Wat Phra Boromathat. Gumpangpeth province.
The amulets were created in the era King Phra Maha Dharmarajalitai, the 5th king of Sukhothai. Phra Somkor is a mixture of Sukhothai-Lanka (Sri Lanka) style. It form a sitting posture of a thumb shape. According to memorandum of Wat Phra Boromathat, Phra Somkor amulets were made by 11 hermits or Phra Lersi using special materials and invited Devadas to create the molds.
There is a slogan for Phra Somkor ” If you have me, you never get poor”. Estimated to be made some 550 years.




出塔 於甘烹碧省,特色為拇指形或半燒餅型, 佛身結定印, 盤座於蓮座之上, 周圍有雙線條裝飾, 相傳此佛由素可泰王朝第15世王創造,  以土. 植物茎根, 花朵等材料督造, 有許多不同模板, 其中有四版最為知名。

佛牌功效: 增長慈愛, 避險, 招財, 俗諺云 : 有 顺哥 (頌扣) 者不貧。

Phra Phong Supan
Phra Phong Supan were discovered on B.E. 2456 in Wat Phra Sri Ratanamahathat, Supan Buri province. According to a golden scripture found together in the pagoda which described that Phra Phong Supan was created by Phra Mahathera PiyaThassi Saribut during the period of King Bormrajathiraj 2nd. It has strong ”U-thong” art style. Most of unique of this amulets is at the back had a thumb print of the creator. A superb Buddha amulets had all mighty protective power against weapon and bring good luck. Is the most powerful amulets of ever.



出土於素攀府, 創造於烏通王朝時期, 約有3種模子, 4種不同顏色, 紅, 綠, 黑, 褐。 以抵抗物理傷害為著名。

 佛牌功能: 極佳擋險力量。

另外可使運勢極差之人起死回生。 有極強轉運功效。

The Grand 5 Sacred Buddha Amulets 五方佛牌

Posted in the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , on November 8, 2012 by ahaina


The Grand 5 Sacred Buddha Amulets

“BenjaPakee” is actually an ancient word from Pali. Benja means 5 kind or type, Pakee means set or grouping. So BenjaPakee means 5 different types of amulets in a group or set.

A group of well-known amulet collectors in early 1950s suggested a guide for the thai people, the best choice to worn on their neck, Also taking into consideration of the Buddha history, age, form and size etc.

The great BenjaPakee amulets are:

1. Phra Somdej (King of Amulet) 2. Phra Nang Phaya (Queen of Amulet) 3. Phra Rod 4. Phra Phong Supan 5. Phra Somkor


 Phra Somdej Phra Somdej were created by Somdej Phra BuddhaJahn Toh Prommarangsri (Somdej Toh). He’s a son of King Rama I. He started to make Phra Somdej amulets in B.E.2409. Materials for making Phra somdej comprise: Shell lime, holy powder, assorted flowers from shine, rice, lotus, ashes, honey, banana, tang oil, etc. Then chanted with spells and meditate. To bless every life in this world for good karma and strong protection against negative energy. Total of 84,000 amulets was made at the time. Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang is once of the most famous and the best amulets from Thailand.


Phra Nang Phaya Phra Nang Phaya were created during of Ayuttaya era, Pitsanulok province. The major discovered are from Wat Nang Phaya around B.E.2444. The temple was said to be built for merits making to his Queen, the mother of King Naresuan, the Thai people given name “Queen of Thailand amulets”. Phra Nang Phaya are very famous for bless strong with attractiveness and respectful from all others, also power on charm and safe from all dangers.


Phra Rod Phra Rod was created by a hermit. First discovered during the earlier days of King Rama 5 reign when a pagoda from Wat Mahawan in Lumpoon province. The Thai people regard this particular amulet as Buddha of Escape, they have superb Buddhistic power, especially in protection and being safe from all dangers and disasters or misfortunes. They are made of clay and the oldest once are over 1,250 years old.


Phra Phong Supan Phra Phong Supan were discovered on B.E. 2456 in Wat Phra Sri Ratanamahathat, Supan Buri province. According to a golden scripture found together in the pagoda which described that Phra Phong Supan was created by Phra Mahathera PiyaThassi Saribut during the period of King Bormrajathiraj 2nd. It has strong ”U-thong” art style. Most of unique of this amulets is at the back had a thumb print of the creator. A superb Buddha amulets had all mighty protective power against weapon and bring good luck. Is the most powerful amulets of ever.


Phra Somkor Phra Somkor were first discovered on B.E. 2392 in Wat Phra Boromathat. Gumpangpeth province. The amulets were created in the era King Phra Maha Dharmarajalitai, the 5th king of Sukhothai. Phra Somkor is a mixture of Sukhothai-Lanka (Sri Lanka) style. It form a sitting posture of a thumb shape. According to memorandum of Wat Phra Boromathat, Phra Somkor amulets were made by 11 hermits or Phra Lersi using special materials and invited Devadas to create the molds. There is a slogan for Phra Somkor ” If you have me, you never get poor”. Estimated to be made some 550 years.


The grand 5 sacred buddha amulets Neck-laces

Posted in the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , , , , on August 7, 2012 by ahaina


The Grand 5 Sacred Buddha Amulets Neck-laces

“BenjaPakee” is actually an ancient word from Pali. Benja means 5 kind or type, Pakee means set or grouping.
So BenjaPakee means 5 different types of amulets in a group or set.

A group of well-known amulet collectors in early 1950s suggested a guide for the thai people, the best choice to worn on their neck, Also taking into consideration of the Buddha history, age, form and size etc.

The great BenjaPakee amulets are:

1. Phra Somdej (King of Amulet)
2. Phra Nang Phaya (Queen of Amulet)
3. Phra Rod
4. Phra Phong Supan
5. Phra Somkor

Phra Somdej
Phra Somdej were created by Somdej Phra BuddhaJahn Toh Prommarangsri (Somdej Toh). He’s a son of King Rama I. He started to make Phra Somdej amulets in B.E.2409. Materials for making Phra somdej comprise: Shell lime, holy powder, assorted flowers from shine, rice, lotus, ashes, honey, banana, tang oil, etc. Then chanted with spells and meditate. To bless every life in this world for good karma and strong protection against negative energy. Total of 84,000 amulets was made at the time. Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang is once of the most famous and the best amulets from Thailand.

Phra Nang Phaya
Phra Nang Phaya were created during of Ayuttaya era, Pitsanulok province. The major discovered are from Wat Nang Phaya around B.E.2444. The temple was said to be built for merits making to his Queen, the mother of King Naresuan, the Thai people given name “Queen of Thailand amulets”. Phra Nang Phaya are very famous for bless strong with attractiveness and respectful from all others, also power on charm and safe from all dangers.

Phra Rod
Phra Rod was created by a hermit. First discovered during the earlier days of King Rama 5 reign when a pagoda from Wat Mahawan in Lumpoon province. The Thai people regard this particular amulet as Buddha of Escape, they have superb Buddhistic power, especially in protection and being safe from all dangers and disasters or misfortunes. They are made of clay and the oldest once are over 1,250 years old.

Phra Phong Supan
Phra Phong Supan were discovered on B.E. 2456 in Wat Phra Sri Ratanamahathat, Supan Buri province. According to a golden scripture found together in the pagoda which described that Phra Phong Supan was created by Phra Mahathera PiyaThassi Saribut during the period of King Bormrajathiraj 2nd. It has strong ”U-thong” art style. Most of unique of this amulets is at the back had a thumb print of the creator. A superb Buddha amulets had all mighty protective power against weapon and bring good luck. Is the most powerful amulets of ever.

Phra Somkor
Phra Somkor were first discovered on B.E. 2392 in Wat Phra Boromathat. Gumpangpeth province.
The amulets were created in the era King Phra Maha Dharmarajalitai, the 5th king of Sukhothai. Phra Somkor is a mixture of Sukhothai-Lanka (Sri Lanka) style. It form a sitting posture of a thumb shape. According to memorandum of Wat Phra Boromathat, Phra Somkor amulets were made by 11 hermits or Phra Lersi using special materials and invited Devadas to create the molds.
There is a slogan for Phra Somkor ” If you have me, you never get poor”. Estimated to be made some 550 years.

Phra Somdej Wat Rakang, 颂 绿 越 拉 康

Posted in Phra Benja Pakee, Phra Somdej WatRakang越拉康, the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , , on December 26, 2011 by ahaina

Phra Somdej Wat Rakang, 颂 绿 越 拉 康PHRA SOMDEJ WAT RAKANG



PHRA SOMDEJ WAT RAKANG, size large style


曼谷-拍颂绿越拉康屏艾 (主座佛像)

Possessed special spiritual values with respect to : Enhancing personal power, increasing charms and loving-kindness, preventing / missing accident and promoting safety and making sacred holy water for treating various illnesses.

南拍雅佛像 Phra Nang Phaya, Phitsanuloke

Posted in Phra Benja Pakee, phra nangpya, the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , on December 6, 2011 by ahaina

DSC08351世洛府 “拍南拍雅-慈悲佛出塔佛像”

The Number One Amulet of

Phitsanulok Phra NangPhaya,



This Phra Nang Phaya image

(Straight knees and hands on knees style) 

was found in a Phitsanuloke old pagoda

This is a pyramid shaped clay amulet of a seated Buddha with slightly oversized head, board and straight shoulders, seated with right hand touching the ground in victory or in as hand posture of subduing demon.

They are from chedis in Phitsanuloke Province, the major findings are from Wat Nang Phaya where the name speaks for itself. It wa claimed that they were made by Queen Visutkasatri, wife of King Mahadharmaraja, mother of King Naresuan the Great over 400 years ago.

Some of the similar amulets were discovered from Wat Rajburana which the Queen has repaired during her reign. People who wear it claim it also provide them with great fortune and loving kindness. Especially for male who wear it.

The grand 5 sacred Buddha amulets – 2

Posted in the grand 5 sacred buddha amulets with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 2, 2011 by ahaina

The grand 5 sacred Buddha amulets, 五方佛 (2)

“BenjaPakee” is actually an ancient word from Pali. Benja means 5 kind or type, Pakee means set or grouping.
So BenjaPakee means 5 different types of amulets in a group or set.

A group of well-known amulet collectors in early 1950s suggested a guide for the thai people, the best choice to worn on their neck, Also taking into consideration of the Buddha history, age, form and size etc.

The great BenjaPakee amulets are:

1. Phra Somdej (King of Amulet)
2. Phra Nang Phaya (Queen of Amulet)
3. Phra Rod
4. Phra Phong Supan
5. Phra Somkor